
We are very excited over our big project of installing a huge solar-panel-system in the hotel area. Another thing is, as much as possible, avoid plastic water bottles. We buy huge bottles and fill up jars offering water for free at all meals. Instead of selling water in plastic bottles our guests can refill their own bottles from our water station.
We compost all our organic peel and garden waste to produce good soil for the garden in which we grow vegetables.
We prioritize locally produced things, from our wooden furniture to smaller items. In your room you will find Zanzibar-made handicraft like beach baskets, straw hats, mats and decorations. In the bathrooms we have spice-smelling soaps from a women´s group in the village and shower gel and shampoo from a factory in Zanzibar city.
The jars and bottles are produced by Chako, a local company to whom we give our empty wine bottles. Out of the bottles they produce glass, jars, vases, lamps et cetera.
Most of our food are bought in a nearby market or from private businessmen/-women.
Of course the fish and seafood is very fresh and local, delivered right to the hotel from the sea.
Local craftsmen as carpenters, bricklayers, roof makers (palm leave roofs) and tailors are contracted almost daily. Local taxi companies are used for all transfers and excursions.
We have more than 35 people full-time employed at the hotel, from Zanzibar or mainland Tanzania. All of them have contracts and are officially registered as taxpayers, enabling them to use pension and medical systems.